They are so delicious. Mmm. I am amazed at how much popcorn flavor they fit into those little suckers! Having recently discovered my body has developed a weird allergy to real popcorn, I guess popcorn jelly beans will have to substitute. Buckets and buckets of popcorn jelly beans. Extra butter please!
Despite my love of them, there are quite a few people out there that hate popcorn flavored Jelly Bellies. I mean HATE them! Check it out:
-"Honestly, if I had to choose between buttered popcorn and rotten egg I'm not sure which I'd pick. I HATE buttered popcorn jelly beans."
-"Buttered Popcorn Jelly Beans are the grossest, sickest excuse for a candy I know."
-"I've tried [Jelly Belly] buttered popcorn jelly bean. I still get sick just thinking about it.
There is even an official Facebook Page of "I hate the Buttered Popcorn Jelly Belly."
Whoa. Calm down people.
Our friendship was meant to be, Lindsay. Buttered popcorn is my absolute favorite jelly belly flavor. It's just the right amount of salty and sweet. A surprise to the tastebuds. Fab. u. lous.