One of my bestest friends is getting married in Mexico this coming April. I have been gifted the honor of creating her wedding suite. Just finished up the save-the-dates and look forward to shipping off the little guys in the mail tomorrow morning. She wanted to do something unique and involving candy. A match made in sugarpants heaven as far as I'm concerned.46 tiny suitcases filled with "champagne bubbles" candy will be headed toward guests' mailboxes starting tomorrow!
Ran across this little soap shop in Vancouver where they make dessert-shaped soaps! They had their window set up like a bake shop except everything is soap. Kinda depressing when you can't eat any of the "sweets" but also pretty freaking cool! My favorite was the fruitcake soap! How cute would that be in your bathroom during an ugly sweater party? They also had tiny soaps wrapped up in cellophane like candies.
A few months back, I purchased the "Message-in-a-cookie cutters" from William Sonoma. I didn't have a specific occasion in mind for which I planned to use them but they were just too stinking cool to not buy and just have on hand. Surely and occasion would come. And that it did. I am a recent addition to the "Glee" fanbase after watching all of season 1 on dvd over a week long period. Let's just say I was a liiiiiiiiittle excited about the season 2 premiere. I made some special cookies for the watching party at my friend Aaron's. They were delicious and perfectly perfect for the occasion. Thank you Mr. Sonoma.
So my birthday was officially THE best birthday of my life. My friends and family really showed me some major love. After an over-the-top sugary sweet surprise party, Donavan and I headed up to the NYC for 8 days of doing whatever we wanted. It was Donavan's first trip to the big apple so we had some sight seeing mixed in with our SoHo wandering and subway navigating. New York always amazes me and it truly is my favorite US city. Sorry Atlanta. Sorry Kansas City.
Some friends came up for the tail end of the trip to celebrate my birthday. I put together some "NYC Celebration Survial Kits" for everyone complete with a subway map, cosmo flavored jelly beans, a Lindsay-themed crossword puzzle, and gummy rats.